Author Archives: Web_Tanmay

Intellectual Property Theft

What is Intellectual Property Theft? Intellectual Property is anything that is created from using one’s mental power or intellect. Any creation such as designs, art work, literature, scientific or mathematical discovery can be termed intellectual property. When a criminal steals this intellectual property, the crime is known as Intellectual Property (IP) Theft. Due to the

Phishing Attack

What is Phishing Attack? A fraudulent attempt is made to acquire confidential information such as Usernames Passwords PIN Credit card numbers Attackers send fake emails and/or redirect innocent users to a fake website, which looks identical to the original website. Users are then induced to submitting their personal information, which can then be exploited. Such

Email Spoofing

What is Email Spoofing? Email spoofing is the process of sending an email message from a fake source, while making it appear to be originating from an authentic source For example: An email appears to be originating from (spoofed address), but actually the email is being sent from (actual source). This does not

Sale of Illegal Articles

What is sale of illegal articles? To a certain extent, the highlighting features of the internet are maximum reach and anonymity. Criminals and anti-social elements have been exploiting these features to trade banned/ illegal articles. In such cases web resources outside the country’s legal jurisdiction are used. This makes the task of tracking criminals extremely